Summer is HERE! And, just because we are already into the summer months doesn’t mean” time is up” for losing a few pounds.

There really is no need for a total diet makeover. Taking small steps to enjoy a variety of foods and being more active can go a long way for those trying to lose some weight.

Hectic summer schedules can distract even the most dedicated exerciser while backyard barbecues tempt us with high-calorie foods and snacks. Since it’s the time of year to start trading winter wraps for warm-weather clothes, many are trying to slim down for summer and find healthy ways to improve their lifestyles.

According to a survey by Wrigley, nearly 85% of people believe the key to losing weight is to consume fewer calories. Most experts agree that combining physical activity while watching calorie intake is important on your journey for weight management and a healthier lifestyle. Here are a few tips to help you:

Steer clear of temptation, have conversations far from the picnic table where the food rests.

Party hearty, not hungry-don’t skip meals because “saving yourself” for parties or barbecues can lead to binging.

Physically move more and take advantage of the warm weather by taking walks around the neighborhood or office.

Stay active and fill your days with warm-weather activities that don’t emphasize food, including a trip to the zoo, gardening or window shopping.

Choose wisely-replace high-calorie snacks with a piece of chewing gum (average of 5 -10 calories). Chew gum when preparing meals to avoid nibbling and pack it when you travel to divert attention from high-calorie snacking. In fact, chewing gum over snacking can help reduce hunger, diminish cravings for sweets and decrease snack intake by 36 calories – Woo-Hoo!

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Remember, positive little changes incorporated into your daily routine are what lead to good habits. Healthier choices lead to living a healthier lifestyle!