Whether you are a beginner to exercise or looking to start over, the SR Fit membership program is perfect of you. There are three key elements that are important to making any exercise program successful: safety, effectiveness and enjoyment. At SR Fit we take all three quite seriously. We ensure you are keeping to form, the workouts are effective and results-driven and you are having FUN!

The old saying, “no pain, no gain” theory is a myth. You need to avoid any exercise that causes pain or undue discomfort. If pain occurs in the neck or chest area, stop exercising. General muscle soreness is another matter, especially for the beginner.  You can expect some soreness but it need not be excessive and it will go away once you get your form down and get your body used to performing the exercises.

Engaging with a personal trainer if you already belong to a gym can be a good start for a beginner however; so can being part of the SR Fit Tribe. Buying personal training sessions are a start however; you have to show up. What if something comes up and you can’t make your scheduled training session? Stuck at work, kid activities, you are on travel? What is better than having one person work with you keeping you motivated and accountable on a daily basis? Joining the SR Fit Tribe. There are so many benefits to the online membership. Our TBIT-15 workouts are for all fitness levels and FORM is key. Into week 2 you will already feel stronger and have more energy.

At SR Fit, using proper form, technique and avoiding high-impact on the TBIT-15 workouts in the beginning stages will keep your exercise program safe. A strain in your lower back, shins, calves, ankles and knees are predictable results of improper form so pay close attention and build your impact slowly.

As a beginner, it is very important to stretch for at least 5 minutes before starting the TBIT15 workouts. Stretching definitely decreases the likelihood of injury and soreness. So, stretch extensively before and after your workouts.

The SR Fit TBIT-15 workouts are effective without a doubt. As a beginner, you start slow and increase your level as your form gets better. You will gain more flexibility and balance as your daily exercise continues. The fuel source for the body during low to moderate aerobic exercise is fat. If burning excess body fat is your current fitness goal, stick to TBIT-15 exercises to slow increase your intensity level. As your fitness level increases, so will the formula for your program. Intensity, adding heavier weights, repetitions and rest periods can all be adjusted as you progress.

Is it FUN? YES! At SR Fit, our entire program is FUN! If you are not going to get any enjoyment out of it, why do it? Honestly, it has been said that nobody will exercise just because it is good for them. We need additional motives or goals that mean something to us and that will come as a result of regular exercise and with our Fit Tribe you will have all the motivation and support you need to KEEP GOING!

The more enjoyment you get out of it, the more consistent you will be and will achieve greater results!

The SR Fit Tribe is with you on your journey! Keep your TBIT15 workouts fun, positive and exciting.